Saturday, May 23, 2015

Bringing Up Teens: How To

I am a mom that soon, will bring up a teenager. As I observed, teens (even kids) these days give more attention to phones, computer games and hanging out with friends rather than cleaning up their room. Sometimes they conveniently forget the curfew given to them. This sometimes leads disagreement. If you’re one of those parents facing such problem in dealing or bringing up with your teen, tips in here would be of help.

Establish firm guidelines relating to alcohol, nicotine, drugs, companionship, use of time and energy, application to school studies, and faithfulness to worship

If a disagreement or disobedience occurs, try to keep a civil demeanor to avoid conflict that may escalate and create a further hurt.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

How to Have a Shiny Skin on Hands

A large number of bad and wrong habits, constant use of aesthetic products (make-up) as well as a long-term exposure to sunlight or water affect the vitality and elasticity of the skin. What would be a healthy way the skin on the hands to regain elasticity and vitality? Which methods will prevent the problems of the skin on the hands?

First: the first and basic step for the treatment of the problems with the hands is to avoid keeping the hand in the water, except when it is necessary.